
Friday, November 07, 2008


I feel like I'm going to puke. Here in the office on a Friday afternoon, all alone and bored because my coworkers are a bunch of Friday-work-ditchers, I have eaten an excessive amount of those Bit-O-Honey candies that I've been obsessing over.

And I'm pretty sure my stomach is going to explode.

I wish I had some self control. Blechhh. I wish I could tell 1:00 PM me to not venture into the convenience store for that stupid candy. I hate you 1:00 PM Alicia.

1 comment:

Berbs33 said...

I totally feel your pain, I have a candy dish at my desk and I can't ever seem to eat just one piece. Instead I eat those mini candy bars by the handful and then all of a sudden I look in my trashcan at all the wrappers and immediately want to start crying! I have no self control!!