
Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Sad, sad day

I am in just a complete state of pure and utter sadness today. It's hard to even comprehend that we are in for 4 more years of Bush. I just feel so disillusioned, frustrated, angry, and disappointed. I can't believe this has happened.

On the bright side, we don't have to see another one of those commercials again, well at least for a few years! I just didn't realize that I would be so emotionally affected by these results. I'm one of those people who doesn't like to get her hopes up, in an effort not to "jinx" it, so I convince myself that the worst possible thing that could happen will happen. Now that the worst possible thing that could happen has happened, I realize that my "glass is half-empty" attitude has not helped to ease any of the pain.

I hope that our country can get through this, and I hope that Bush will soon realize that he has to do something about uniting this country again. I'm trying to have hope.

"The greatest test of courage on earth is to bear defeat without losing heart."
~Robert Green Ingersoll

1 comment:

NWJR said...

"I hope that our country can get through this, and I hope that Bush will soon realize that he has to do something about uniting this country again."

Yeah, I'm hoping too, but then Bush said something like "If you're on my side, I hope to work with you".

*sigh* It's gonna be a long 4 years.